TCA New Year 2018

TCA New Year 2018

April 22, 2017 event

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January 14 Event

Tigray Community Atlanta, TCA, invites all its members and supporters to celebrate the New Year, 2017.

TCA 3rd Anniversary

TCA's 3rd Anniversary Ethiopian New Year and Ashenda Celebration

Place: Eritrean Community Center

720 Hambrick St. Stone Mountain, GA 30083

Date: September 17, 2016

Time: 7:00 PM - Closing

Admission Fee: $30.00, Dinner Included

Contacts: 404-388-7769, 404-918-2441, 404-402-5319


TCA - Graduates, Class of 2016

TCA'S 1st Mother's Day event : May 8, 2016

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